Sunday, February 20, 2011

...And on that farm there was a buffalo

So this past Saturday there was an optional trip for everyone to go to a buffalo mozzarella farm.  The majority of everyone went and it only cost 30 euro.  So about 50 of us took a bus to this farm that was close to Napoli.  It was about a 3 hour drive, which wasn't too fun.  We got to the farm at around 12 and were given a tour of the farm.  We saw the place where they make the buffalo mozzarella (which kind of smelt bad but was interesting to see).  After that we got to pet the buffalo.  It was so weird.  Normal mozzarella uses cows milk so buffalo mozzarella takes a little different, its creamier.  Some of them were really friendly and others wanted nothing to do with us.  One of them sneezed on my friend and I screamed and ran away.  From there we went to see the little baby buffalo, which were way cuter.  They were kinda like dogs and just wanted to lick our hands which was gross!

After petting the buffalo we sat down for the biggest meal of our lives.  First were the appetizers: an assortment of bread, cheeses, meats.  Then more appetizers came out like potatoes, artichokes, etc. Then came two types of pastas, sausage, more potatoes, and dessert.  Everyone was so full that we all had to walk around the farm after eating that much.  While exploring we saw some dogs, chickens and some goats.  It was a beautiful farm with so many cute animals!  After we jumped back on the bus to head back and three hours later were back in Rome.  It was a lot of traveling for such a short trip but it was so interesting to see how everything was made.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Under the Tuscan Sun

Tuscany is beautiful!

We left Saturday at 8 and took a bus to Siena.  We visited many churches and had some free time to explore the town and to of course, take pictures!  After Siena, we got back on the bus and went to Arezzo.  We checked into the hotel and ate dinner as a group (It was funny because the hotel gave us french fries, must've known the American students were coming).  The next morning, we took a tour through Arezzo and stopped at some more churches and saw many frescoes.

Later that night we left to go to the Castle of Trebbio.  At the castle, we were given a tour and then went....WINE TASTING.  We had appetizers and then all ate dinner as a group.  Then we headed toward their store, where everyone bought olive oil and wine to bring home to their families.  When we got back to the hotel, everyone was exhausted.  The next morning we checked out of the hotel and drove back, stopping in two very small towns (Pienza and Orvieto).  Both towns were very quaint but had great views!  It was so interesting to see how the people in the country live versus the busy streets in Rome.

I couldn't have asked for a better trip.  The food, the views and the weather were all so great.  Mi piace Tuscany!